MCreativeJ Wholesale
Thank you for your interest in offering MCreativeJ modern hand embroidery products to your customers!
You can find cheaper craft kits on the market – either mass-produced overseas or made in the US with less care and quality – but your interest in MCreativeJ hand embroidery kits means you care about artists, handmade, and the quality of the products you sell to your customers.
Reasons why you’ll want to work with MCreativeJ:
Fast Shipping: Orders usually ship in less than 3 business days.
Handmade: Your order is designed, created, and packed by hand in the MCreativeJ studio just outside of Seattle, WA
Easy Ordering: You can order on FAIRE or email our wholesale manager directly to place an order
Distributors: You can order a selection of our products from EE Schenck and N. Jefferson

April 6-8, 2025
Seattle Convention Center | Summit Building, Seattle, WA
Booth 807
Creativation® is the can't-miss trade show for the creative materials industry.
Creativation® brings together fine art and craft materials suppliers, retailers, and creative professionals.
May 7-9, 2025
Donald E. Stephenson Convention, Rosemont, IL
Center I Needlearts Alley
Booth 1533 and Sample It table 42
A premier trade show for today's business environment. Uniting the craft industries in North America.
October 4-6, 2025
George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, TX
The International Quilt Market is the only wholesale trade show for the worldwide quilting, textile, and soft crafts industry. It features more than 800 vendor booths in fall offering quilting supplies, fabrics, decorative crafts, books, patterns, tools, sewing machines, and design software.