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Word of the Year: What Will Be Your Focus in 2024?

What's your word of the year

For the past few years I've chosen a word of the year. This has been a grounding tool that helps provide focus and clarity throughout the year. In 2023 my word of the year was Authentic. I chose this word because I wanted a reminder to be myself, feel strong and confident, and to not compare myself to what others were doing. I kept a post it note by my computer so I could look at this reminder every day. On some days it felt silly and on other days it was absolutely needed and helpful.

As we wrap up 2023 and ease into the new year, I've strated reflecting on the year and on my goals for 2024. Looking back at 2023, I found that I didn't have a great work-life balance. I worked A LOT and didn't leave as much time and space for myself, my family, or my mental health. I want to find a better balance for my work, my relationships, and myself. I want to see my business grow at a sustainable pace and have time for the other things I love.

Because of all of this, I decided that in 2024 I want to focus on thriving. Finding a balance in my life. Finding time to nourish my family, my business, my friendships, and myself. And learning to grow at a manageable pace.

The word thrive embroidered onto fabric with ferns

Find Your Focus Word of 2024

If not or you want to learn how, try this exercise.⁠

1. List the things you want to focus on for 2024.⁠

2. Determine any common themes on your list.⁠

3. List some words that tie into this theme.⁠

4. Then decide which of the words on your list feels like it will be the MOST motivational to you for 2024.⁠

Embroider Your Word of the Year

Once you've picked a word or phrase for the year, you should embroider it with me at Monster on January 2! This will be a relaxing and creative reminder of where to continue your focus for 2024.

embroidered lettering samples


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