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Stitch Desert Moon with Pattern Club

Updated: Oct 11, 2022

Lately I've been heads down working on landscape patterns for my book. I have a little over a month and a half to finish everything up and send it in to my publisher. (Exciting and scary all at once!) Originally, when I talked we my publisher we decided to include 20 patterns in my book. At the time this sounded like A LOT of patterns to create all at once.

Guess what? I was wrong.

Throughout the creation and curation process, I've probably designed and stitched double to triple that number. Crazy, I know! And since the book started out with more desert patterns that anything else, I've had to be extra selective and make sure there's a good balance of different landscapes. I know you're not all desert lovers like me.

Even though my book can't include all of the landscapes I've created, I'm glad we can still stitch some of these designs together with Pattern Club. This month you can stitch Desert Moon. This was one of the first patterns I designed when thinking up deserts for my book.

Desert Moon features an arid angular landscape and squiggly cactus at night in a 4-inch hoop, making it a quick stitch and easy to take with you.

Like all Pattern Club designs, the digital pattern includes a guide to walk you through the process from start to finish. It covers materials, how to place the design in the hoop, transferring the design, and all the stitches used to create the pattern. I even include how to finish the embroidery in the hoop, so you can hang it up like a picture frame!

Happy stitching, desert lovers!



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