Over the last few years, my Pacific Northwest Pendant kit has become a fan favorite. But when my pin and pendant supplier stopped carrying the settings I use for my kits, I was in a panic. Not only could I not find these anywhere, but no other place sold similar pin settings. After days (I kid you not) of scouring the internets I was able to find a pin setting supplier, but unfortunately, they didn't have any pendants.
Luckily enough, a business acquaintance of mine recently decided they were going to stop the custom jewelry portion of their business. They made a post on Instagram asking if anyone wanted to buy some of their supplies. Originally, this was only for small embroidery hoops. So I inquired. And I'm so thankful I did!
Not only did they have embroidery hoops, they also had pendant settings. And LOTS of them. I was able to score over 250 pendant settings. So while I'm still looking for a consistent supplier, I now have plenty in stock to make kits for you to stitch this design too.
I love the Pacific Northwest Pendant kit, because it's a quick stitch that still allows you to try a variety of stitches. It's also fun because it's something you can wear when you're finished with it.
Happy stitching a PNW inspired piece of jewelry. -Melissa