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Make Stitching Easier with An Embroidery Hoop Stand

Embroidery Hoop Stand

If you've joined me for a workshop, then you've probably seen the wooden contraption I use to hold my embroidery hoop while stitching. This is a hoop stand. I did not get one when I first started embroidering and kind of thought they were overhyped, but after trying one, I was quickly converted. If you're wondering what a hoop stand is, why it's helpful, and where you can get one, then keep on reading.

About Embroidery Hoop Stands

 Hoop stand at workshop

What is a hoop stand?

A hoop stand is a stand that holds your embroidery hoop or embroidery. It keeps your hoop steady to make it easier to use both hands when embroidering. This is especially helpful for stitches like the French knot, where two hands are helpful to keep even tension on the thread throughout the stitch. Hoop stands can also make it easier to access the back of the hoop and hold your hoop in helpful ways to prevent hand cramps and body fatigue.

Types of hoop stands

There are various types of hoop stands. I own a table top hoop stand. This is a stand that sits on the table in front of me. There are also floor stands that, you guessed it, sit on the floor and fold into your lap. There are also lap or seat stands- these are stands that you sit on and then the stand is at sitting height.

Depending upon where and how you like to craft one hoop stand might be better for you than another. Because I film and teach with my hoop stand, I bought the table top option. Unfortunately, this doesn't work as well when I want to cozy up on the sofa and embroider.

How to use a hoop stand

So how do you use a hoop stand? Some hoop stands have a built in hoop and others have a clamp or bracket. Stands with a built in hoop need to have the embroidery fabric stretched in that hoop. This might mean that your fabric or working area is larger than the finished project.

Other style hoop stands have some sort of clamp or bracket that will close around the hoop frame or hardware to hold the hoop in place. Some hoop stands have two clamps, while others only have one. For this style hoop stand, prepare the fabric in the embroidery hoop as normal, then simply clamp/bracket the embroidery hoop onto the hoop stand.

Large Embroidery Stand

How is a hoop stand helpful?

Hoop stands hold your hoop in place. I find this helpful when working stitches that require both hands or the right amount of tension. Having a hoop stand hold my work also makes it easier to access the back and knot off my thread.

If you're embroidering for a long person of time, hoop stands can also help prevent hand cramps and awkward body hunches from hugging your embroidery hoop. Hoop stands don't work for everything, like if you're embroidering shoes, but they are very helpful.

Hoop stand with under the sea embroidery

Where to find a hoop stand?

Just like many craft supplies, there is a variety of quality and price points when it comes to hoop stands. You can find some relatively inexpensive hoop stands on Amazon. If you're looking for high quality hoop stands, look to needlework companies, like Nurge or the Daylight Company that offers lights with hoops stands.

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