I started Pattern Club two years ago and have been so delighted by everyone who's wanted to stitch along with me. Now, with more than 24 patterns under our belts, it's time to dive into a new year, with new patterns and new stitches. Are you ready?
To ease us into 2022, I created two small embroidery patterns. Don't be fooled by the size, they're still packed with fun and even a new skill!
This month, we're giving applique a try as we create two terracotta terrariums. These designs were inspired by cacti and succulents growing in my own container garden. You might remember last spring/summer that I was pulling out bushes, roses, and all sorts of other plants from our back yard. Well I'm pleased to say that at least a small part of it is done and looking cute (so long as my plants survive the winter and all this snow...)
As always, your Pattern Club design includes a materials list, instructions to get you started with placing the fabric in the hoop, transferring the design, and guides you through the pattern step by step of the way. Also included is instructions on how to back the design in the hoop. And as a special bonus for only Pattern Club members, you'll receive both terracotta terrarium designs.
Happy new year and happy stitching!
P.S. Here's Henley helping me take photos.

Want to stitch a past Pattern Club pattern? Find some of the digital designs here.