As a little girl, I was big into Girl Scout patches. From gardening to cookie sales to summer camps, I had patches for everything. As an adult, I kind of wish I could get a patch for going somewhere cool or just adulting. But since life isn't handing out patches, I thought it'd be fun to at least make my own. So here's how to turn your embroidery into a patch.

- Finished embroidery- The project uses the Desert Dreams pattern
- Iron
- Scissors
- Thread
Let's make a patch!

1. Trim your embroidery to the designed patch size.

2. Trace the outline of your patch shape onto the Heat N Bond. Cut the Heat N Bond to size.

3. With your iron on medium heat, iron the Heat N Bond to the back of your embroidery.

4. Peel off the backing of the Heat N Bond and place the embroidery, Heat N Bond side down onto your fabric. Iron the three pieces together.

5. Using scissors, trim down the patch.

6. Thread your needle and thread. Then use the whipstitch to sew the edges of your patch. This will help keep the edges from fraying.

7. Next, cut a pieces of Heat N Bond slightly smaller than the size of your patch. Using the iron, adhere the Heat N Bond to the back of the patch.

8. Peel off the packing and iron the finished patch onto whatever you want. If you're not sure what to stick your patch to, save this step until you're ready.
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