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How to Embroider: Couching Stitch- Video and Step by Step Tutorial

How to Embroider the Couching Stitch

Couching Stitch

The couching stitch can be used for lines, outlining, or to fill in shapes. It's a very versatile stitch. Use this DIY video and step-by-step tutorial to learn how to use the couching stitch to embroider lines.

What you'll need to create the couching stitch:

Couching Stitch Video

Couching Stitch Step-by-Step Tutorial

1. Couching is a two-handed stitch that is similar to applique, because the stitching is done primarily on the surface of the embroidery fabric. To start the couching stitch, bring the needle up from the back of your fabric at the starting point of the line. Unthread the needle so that the laid thread is loose on the front of the fabric.

Couching Stitch Step 1

2. Now rethread the needle with the thread that will tac down the laid thread to the front of the fabric.

Couching Stitch Step 2

3. Come up from the back of the fabric on one side of the laid thread. Now bring the needle back down on the other side of the laid thread, making a short stitch across it.

Couching Stitch Step 3

4. Repeat the tacking stitches until the main thread is firmly attached. These stitches can be as far or as close apart as you'd like. If the design is curved or has tight spaces, you might need to make your stitches closer together.

5. Once the thread is attached to the front of the fabric, bring the tacking thread to the back of the fabric and knot it off. Repeat for the laid thread.

Couching Stitch Step 5


Looking for more helpful embroidery tips, supplies, and hands-on workshops?


Join Melissa Galbraith of MCreativeJ for a hands-on workshop! Melissa makes hand embroidery easy with a wide variety of embroidery classes. Classes are beginner-friendly to advanced and will walk you through a wide variety of stitches, techniques, and designs.

Embroidery Books

Want a great hand embroidery reference? Try one of Melissa's hand embroidery books! Each book is great for beginners and breaks down materials, stitches, techniques, and projects for you.

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