Do you find yourself flipping your embroidery over every time you make a stitch? Or maybe you’re blindly stabbing the fabric hoping you're in the right spot. Knowing where to place your stitches can be tricky when you're learning to embroider.
If you've ever wondered how other embroidery artists just “know” where to place their next stitches, then keep on reading.
It's not magic, I promise!
Know Where to Stitch:
Simply drag your needle along the back of your fabric!
You should see your fabric gently indent from the needle. Don’t poke your needle all the way through the fabric.
This will help you line up your stitches, save your from flipping your embroidery over a bunch, and hopefully help you stab yourself less.
As you embroider more, learn the flow of the stitches, and practice, your coordination will become better and placing your needle where you want it will feel like second nature.
Looking for more embroidery tips?
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