Working from home is getting harder and harder with the nice weather we've been having here in the Seattle area. The sunshine is making me feel sluggish and want to avoid work. Plus, this weird limbo time is not helping... Can we just all pretend it's summer break like when we were back in school? (Wouldn't that be nice!)

Aside from the lovely weather, my husband and I have been on the house hunt. And let me tell you, it's been an emotional rollercoaster! HGTV had me feeling like we were going to find a house pretty easily and that houses are all nicely renovated. Spoiler alert: Houses are not all renovated or anything like you think they'll be. Plus, if you see people buying a house on HGTV, they've already bought the one they end up with. Needless to say HGTV gave me a false sense of ease and hope when going into house hunting. Fingers crossed we find something my husband and I can both agree on.
So how am I keeping sane while working and house hunting? Embroidery and these fudgy brownies.
In between house hunting, I've been working on some custom and wholesale orders while listening to An Unexplained Death: The True Story of a Body at the Belvedere by Mikita Brottman. I haven't finished this book yet, but I can already tell you it's an odd one that seems to be a cross between research, short personal anecdotes, and conspiracy theories. I'm not sure how I feel about it, but I keep reading thinking something will be revealed...
Since Washington State along with many other states, are now requiring people to wear masks in public, I ordered a new All Day Mask from fellow fiber artist Amy Reader. I already had a few face masks and thought the design of Amy's mask would be more comfortable for longer wear, especially since all this house hunting has me leaving the apartment more. If you're still in need of a mask, also check out these fabric face masks, these washable face masks with filter, or these shaped face masks.
Warm weather and being able to leave my house more also means it's the perfect time for ice dyeing! My friend Paige just released a new Ice Dye Instruction Booklet. I've tried ice dyeing before and mine has never turned out as beautiful as hers. I immediately downloaded a copy of her booklet and am excited to give ice dyeing another try this weekend. Hopefully the nice Seattle weather holds out. And if you haven't checked out Paige's amazing ice dye creations in her shop Ponderosa Creative yet, you should!
Alright, that's the homebody life update from me. Until next week my stitchy friends!
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