Running a small business that designs and creates hand embroidery patterns means I need to find ways to keep the creativity flowing. I'll be the first to admit that some days bring a whirlwind of inspiration. Then there are some days and even weeks when I can't get anything to stick. And a creative rut is hard to climb out of.
So how do I stay inspired and keep the creativity flowing?
Creating daily habits that foster my creativity has helped me continue to be creative even when I'm not entirely feeling inspired. So how do I do it? Here's 9 helpful tips for helping you foster creativity and build a routine that encourages fresh ideas.
9 Tips for Helping You Foster Creativity
1. Write Things Down
Write down anything and everything that comes to you. This could be a running list in the Notes app of your phone or a pen and scrap paper. Writing down your ideas will help you remember then and give you the option to review them later.
I love using my Notes app because I can jot down blog post and pattern ideas that spring into my head. Sometimes they're a vague idea and other times they're full-fledged ideas that need lots of notes. Keeping my ideas in the Notes app also helps me refer to them later, especially when I'm feeling less inspired.

2. Get Outside
I can't tell you the number of times I've come up with new ideas to turn into kits, pattern packs, and books, while walking my dogs. The simple act of changing spaces and being in nature can really get those creative juices flowing. Not sure where to start? Go for a walk around the block. This is a great way to start your morning! You could also schedule it into your day as a 10-15 minute break to help you recharge between activities and meetings.
3. Move Your Body
Much like getting outside, moving your body can be helpful for promoting creativity. While you're focused on that core routine, your brain has the time to noodle in the background on all those ideas you have swirling around. When put on the spot, I often have trouble remembering the simplist of things, let along the one spark of an idea that flitted through my brain. I've found that doing something else, like working out, and taking the focus off searching for that one idea can help it pop back into my head.

4. Daydream
Ok, if you know me, you know I'm a list maker, pretty good at following the rules (when there's consequences), and am very A-type personality. This makes me great for the go-go grind of corporate America. But that go-go mentality can also lead to burn out. When we're constantly on the look out for the next best thing, we're taxing our brain. Let your mind rest with a few moments of day dreaming. As I mentioned earlier, this is a great way for your brain to make some of those connections (or do what I call noodling) in the background.
5. Get Enough Sleep
Sleep is crucial in helping you function well. That's because sleep is how our bodies recharge and prep for the next day. When we continuously don't get enough sleep, we're not able to recharge our bodies, thus having us pull from less and less energy each day. While everyone's sleep and productivity levels are different, it's important to know how much sleep your body needs. I've found that without at least 10 hours of sleep, I can be a grump.
6. Limit Screen Time
Yes, this is probably something you do for your kids or at least heard of something that people who have kids do. But this doesn't only apply to kids. Limiting your screen time is also a good idea. Screens have an easy way of pulling us in- what we thought was 10 minutes quickly turns into a hour of mindless scrolling. While it's entertaining, screen time (phones, tablets, TVs, and computers, are mostly mindless. So the next time you go to pick up your screened device, try something else off this list, get crafty, or even read a book.

7. Try New Things
The older I get, the more I do the same old thing day in and day out. Why is that? Well because it's easy, convenient, and it's become a routine. While routines can be helpful, they also don't leave a whole lot of room for play and creativity. So instead of picking the same colors you love to use for a project, try ones you haven't used in a while. Instead of getting pizza from your usual pizza shop, try a new restaurant. Swapping out one usual for something unusual could lead to something exciting.
8. Embrace Failure
When I teach embroidery and dyeing workshops, I often find that adults are the ones that have a hard time not being perfect at something the first time they try it. And what I try to remind them is that, 'We have to be bad at something until we're good at it.' Being bad at something means we're trying and we're learning. By embracing failure, we're giving ourselves grace to try something new, learn from those mistakes, and keep going.
9. Surround Yourself with Creativity
This could be a space, special things that inspire you, and even people. Having a space to work in that you like and feel comfortable in can help you be more creative and productive. Having special items like art, nicknacks from special events, or even books can spark ideas. And surrounding yourself with fellow creatives can help build positivity and a safe space to bounce ideas off of each other and grow.

What habit will you start with to help build your daily creative practice?
Starting small and trying one or two of these tips is a great way to start to build your creative practice. Wether it's making time to move your body and get outside, or write down your ideas as you daydream. Starting small and seeing what works for you is the important first step in building a routine that helps encourage fresh ideas.