Do you want to add a sassy quote or a cute phrase to your embroidery project? Or maybe just embellish a quilt with a special commemorative patch? Embroidered lettering is a great way to add a special touch to any project. So where do you get started? Here's my top tips for turning your your hand writing into hand embroidery.
Stitch like you write
Do you use block lettering or cursive? Or maybe a mixture of both? Either way, when thinking about embroidered lettering, it's helpful to stitch like you write. So what does that mean? Well if you would print the top of a letter T first, then stitch that first. If you overlap your cursive letters when writing, overlap your stitches. Thinking through how you would write something out, can be helpful in figuring out how to embroider it.
Use stitches that follow your letters
Different stitches create different textures and weights. They each fill a space differently. When thinking through how you want your letters to look, think about how that stitch would cover a line, fill a space, or hug the curves of your letters. For example, the stem stitch is a great option for cursive lettering because it naturally hugs curves.
Adjust your stitch length
Just like the stitches you use, stitch length can also change the look of your lettering. While long straight letters such as Ts and Es might be great for long straight stitches, Qs and Bs do not lend themself to long straight stitches. To keep your letters looking like you want, adjust the length of your stitches, especially for curved letters.
Find a font
So what if you don't have great hand writing or want to use a special font? Find a font you like. Word or Canva are great options for finding fonts. Once you've settled on a font, simply print out the message you'd like to embroider, transfer it, and get stitching.
Want to learn stitches that are great for embroidered lettering? Or maybe some embroidery basics? Join me for a workshop!